My blog name, in case you want to know, comes from the weapon in the 1983 movie KRULL, called a glaive. It was a five-sided throwing starry thing (there is such a thing as a real glaive, too but it is more like a figthing pike).
Back in 2000, when I first posted on the bulletin board, I decided to name myself Glaivester. And ever since, I have used that name on the internet.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Iraq Issues
Posts Dealing with Iraq
See also: Kurdish Issues
NRO Comments on Shooting (Nov. 20, 2004)
Victor Davis Hanson (Nov. 20, 2004)
God Bless You, Allan Wall (Nov. 20, 2004)
US Boosting Troop Levels (Nov. 20, 2004)
Jack the Hack is Back (Nov, 19, 2004)
Thomas Sowell is Wrong (Nov. 19, 2004)
Roach and Glaivester Agree (Nov. 19, 2004)
Latest Statistics (Nov. 19, 2004)
Tsk, Tsk, Mr. Fisk (Nov, 18, 2004)
Is Jack Kelly Ever Right? (Nov. 17, 2004)
Soldier Shooting Wounded Man (Nov. 17, 2004)
Civilian Casualties in Fallujah (Nov. 17, 2004)
A Draft? (Nov. 16, 2004)
Looking at the Fatality Count (Nov. 15, 2004)
More War Nerd News (Nov. 14, 2004)
Civilian Casualties in Fallujah (Nov. 14, 2004)
Conflicting Interests and Agendas in Iraq (Nov, 14, 2004)
Juan Cole and the Iraqi Civil War (Nov. 14, 2004)
Strange... (Nov. 11, 2004)
Well, I Really Don't Know (Nov. 10, 2004)
Figures Don't Lie, but... (Nov. 10, 2004)
Interesting Thoughts (Nov. 10, 2004)
Fallujah Thoughts (Nov. 10, 2004)
Rigged? No, not Possible! (Nov. 9, 2004)
Predictions, Continued (Nov. 9, 2004)
Jack, Jack, Jack (Nov. 8, 2004)
Predictions (Nov. 8, 2004)
WorldNetDaily (Oct. 31, 2004)
Interesting Debate (Oct. 29, 2004)
Draft? Yglesias Considers. (Oct. 28, 2004)
The RDX "Scandal" (Oct. 28, 2004)
Explosives (Oct. 27, 2004)
$70 Billion Here, $70 Billion There (Oct. 26, 2004)
Fatalities Much Lower in October (Oct. 21,2004)
The Draft - Not Exactly (Oct. 19, 2004)
What to do About Iraq (Oct. 17, 2004)
Morale (Oct. 16, 2004)
Misunderstanding Guerilla War? (Oct. 16, 2004)
Christians being Driven out of Iraq (Oct. 15, 2004)
Casualties Rise (Oct. 14, 2004)
Lynndie England a Mommy (Oct. 13, 2004)
Algeria and Iraq (Oct. 13, 2004)
The Brothers Hitchens (Oct. 8, 2004)
Iraq Deaths Down - for Now (Oct. 7, 2004)
Funny Animation (Oct. 7, 2004)
Just to be Absolutely Clear About This (Oct. 7, 2004)
Predictions for Iraq (Oct. 6, 2004)
Vice Presidential Debates (Oct. 5, 2004)
Complicated Reasons (Oct. 5, 2004)
Ahmad Chalabi (Oct. 5, 2004)
What the Hell Happened to Kenneth Joseph? (Oct. 4, 2004)
Coalition Schmoalition (Oct. 4, 2004)
Casualties Down So Far (Oct. 3, 2004)
Communistic Propaganda (Oct. 3, 2004)
Kerry vs. Bush on Iraq (Oct. 3, 2004)
Iraq Metrics (Oct. 3, 2004)
Samarra (Oct. 2, 2004)
Algeria and Iraq (Oct. 1, 2004)
Thoughts on Iraq (Sep. 30, 2004)
See also: Kurdish Issues
NRO Comments on Shooting (Nov. 20, 2004)
Victor Davis Hanson (Nov. 20, 2004)
God Bless You, Allan Wall (Nov. 20, 2004)
US Boosting Troop Levels (Nov. 20, 2004)
Jack the Hack is Back (Nov, 19, 2004)
Thomas Sowell is Wrong (Nov. 19, 2004)
Roach and Glaivester Agree (Nov. 19, 2004)
Latest Statistics (Nov. 19, 2004)
Tsk, Tsk, Mr. Fisk (Nov, 18, 2004)
Is Jack Kelly Ever Right? (Nov. 17, 2004)
Soldier Shooting Wounded Man (Nov. 17, 2004)
Civilian Casualties in Fallujah (Nov. 17, 2004)
A Draft? (Nov. 16, 2004)
Looking at the Fatality Count (Nov. 15, 2004)
More War Nerd News (Nov. 14, 2004)
Civilian Casualties in Fallujah (Nov. 14, 2004)
Conflicting Interests and Agendas in Iraq (Nov, 14, 2004)
Juan Cole and the Iraqi Civil War (Nov. 14, 2004)
Strange... (Nov. 11, 2004)
Well, I Really Don't Know (Nov. 10, 2004)
Figures Don't Lie, but... (Nov. 10, 2004)
Interesting Thoughts (Nov. 10, 2004)
Fallujah Thoughts (Nov. 10, 2004)
Rigged? No, not Possible! (Nov. 9, 2004)
Predictions, Continued (Nov. 9, 2004)
Jack, Jack, Jack (Nov. 8, 2004)
Predictions (Nov. 8, 2004)
WorldNetDaily (Oct. 31, 2004)
Interesting Debate (Oct. 29, 2004)
Draft? Yglesias Considers. (Oct. 28, 2004)
The RDX "Scandal" (Oct. 28, 2004)
Explosives (Oct. 27, 2004)
$70 Billion Here, $70 Billion There (Oct. 26, 2004)
Fatalities Much Lower in October (Oct. 21,2004)
The Draft - Not Exactly (Oct. 19, 2004)
What to do About Iraq (Oct. 17, 2004)
Morale (Oct. 16, 2004)
Misunderstanding Guerilla War? (Oct. 16, 2004)
Christians being Driven out of Iraq (Oct. 15, 2004)
Casualties Rise (Oct. 14, 2004)
Lynndie England a Mommy (Oct. 13, 2004)
Algeria and Iraq (Oct. 13, 2004)
The Brothers Hitchens (Oct. 8, 2004)
Iraq Deaths Down - for Now (Oct. 7, 2004)
Funny Animation (Oct. 7, 2004)
Just to be Absolutely Clear About This (Oct. 7, 2004)
Predictions for Iraq (Oct. 6, 2004)
Vice Presidential Debates (Oct. 5, 2004)
Complicated Reasons (Oct. 5, 2004)
Ahmad Chalabi (Oct. 5, 2004)
What the Hell Happened to Kenneth Joseph? (Oct. 4, 2004)
Coalition Schmoalition (Oct. 4, 2004)
Casualties Down So Far (Oct. 3, 2004)
Communistic Propaganda (Oct. 3, 2004)
Kerry vs. Bush on Iraq (Oct. 3, 2004)
Iraq Metrics (Oct. 3, 2004)
Samarra (Oct. 2, 2004)
Algeria and Iraq (Oct. 1, 2004)
Thoughts on Iraq (Sep. 30, 2004)
Constitution Party
Postings Dealing with Constitution Party/Third Party Issues:
How Sweet it is (Nov. 20, 2004)
God Bless You, Allan Wall (Nov. 20, 2004)
Peroutka got 135,159 Votes (Nov. 14, 2004)
Constitution Party and the Vote (Nov. 14, 2004)
Election Results - The Ones that Matter (Nov. 12, 2004)
Ballots (Nov. 9, 2004)
Good Election for the Constitution Party (Nov. 9, 2004)
Poor Joseph Farah (Nov 3, 2004)
Results (Nov, 2004)
Our Options (Nov 2, 2004)
A Wasted Vote and a Wasted Voice (Nov 2, 2004)
Whither the Black Vote? (Nov 1, 2004)
Remember, Friends (Nov 1, 2004)
Vote for Peroutka (Oct 30, 2004)
LewRockwell Article On Peroutka (Oct 30, 2004)
Hawaii, the Last Battleground (Oct 26, 2004)
Can You Vote for Peroutka? (Oct. 25, 2004)
I Voted (Oct. 21, 2004)
Why I am Voting for Peroutka (Oct. 20, 2004)
Chad (Oct. 20, 2004)
Vote for Peroutka (Oct. 19, 2004)
Paleoconservatives in the News (Oct. 15, 2004)
An Excellent Article (Oct. 13, 2004)
Ballot Access (Oct. 10, 2004)
Constitution Party and Christian Reconstructionism, Part II(Oct. 8, 2004)
Peroutka for President (Oct. 7, 2004)
Gotta Hand it to Peroutka (Oct. 6, 2004)
Constitution Party and Christian Reconstructionism (Oct. 3, 2004)
How Sweet it is (Nov. 20, 2004)
God Bless You, Allan Wall (Nov. 20, 2004)
Peroutka got 135,159 Votes (Nov. 14, 2004)
Constitution Party and the Vote (Nov. 14, 2004)
Election Results - The Ones that Matter (Nov. 12, 2004)
Ballots (Nov. 9, 2004)
Good Election for the Constitution Party (Nov. 9, 2004)
Poor Joseph Farah (Nov 3, 2004)
Results (Nov, 2004)
Our Options (Nov 2, 2004)
A Wasted Vote and a Wasted Voice (Nov 2, 2004)
Whither the Black Vote? (Nov 1, 2004)
Remember, Friends (Nov 1, 2004)
Vote for Peroutka (Oct 30, 2004)
LewRockwell Article On Peroutka (Oct 30, 2004)
Hawaii, the Last Battleground (Oct 26, 2004)
Can You Vote for Peroutka? (Oct. 25, 2004)
I Voted (Oct. 21, 2004)
Why I am Voting for Peroutka (Oct. 20, 2004)
Chad (Oct. 20, 2004)
Vote for Peroutka (Oct. 19, 2004)
Paleoconservatives in the News (Oct. 15, 2004)
An Excellent Article (Oct. 13, 2004)
Ballot Access (Oct. 10, 2004)
Constitution Party and Christian Reconstructionism, Part II(Oct. 8, 2004)
Peroutka for President (Oct. 7, 2004)
Gotta Hand it to Peroutka (Oct. 6, 2004)
Constitution Party and Christian Reconstructionism (Oct. 3, 2004)
Kurdish Issues
Postings dealing with Kurdish Issues:
See also: Iraq Issues
Kurdish death Squads (November 9, 2004)
FREE KURDISTAN (Oct. 19, 2004)
They Like Me, They Really Like Me? (Oct. 14, 2004)
Kurds Planning De-Arabization of Kirkuk? (Oct. 12, 2004)
More Kurdistan (Oct. 11, 2004)
Borders of Kurdistan (Oct. 10, 2004)
Kurdo's World (Oct. 10, 2004)
Kurds, Kurds, Kurds (Oct. 9, 2004)
Are They the Israelis or the Palestinians? (Oct. 8, 2004)
The Kurdish Equivalent of Zionism? (Oct. 8, 2004)
Just to be Absolutely Clear on this (Oct. 7, 2004)
Predictions for Iraq (Oct. 6, 2004)
Samarra (Oct. 12, 2004)
Thoughts on Iraq (Oct. 1, 2004)
See also: Iraq Issues
Kurdish death Squads (November 9, 2004)
FREE KURDISTAN (Oct. 19, 2004)
They Like Me, They Really Like Me? (Oct. 14, 2004)
Kurds Planning De-Arabization of Kirkuk? (Oct. 12, 2004)
More Kurdistan (Oct. 11, 2004)
Borders of Kurdistan (Oct. 10, 2004)
Kurdo's World (Oct. 10, 2004)
Kurds, Kurds, Kurds (Oct. 9, 2004)
Are They the Israelis or the Palestinians? (Oct. 8, 2004)
The Kurdish Equivalent of Zionism? (Oct. 8, 2004)
Just to be Absolutely Clear on this (Oct. 7, 2004)
Predictions for Iraq (Oct. 6, 2004)
Samarra (Oct. 12, 2004)
Thoughts on Iraq (Oct. 1, 2004)
Contact Information
My email address is glaivester, then the "at" sign, then yahoo, then a dot, then a com.
Posts relating to Entertainment (i.e. movies, TV, etc.):
Krull 2 (Oct. 17, 2004)
What is a Glaivester? (Sept. 30, 2004)
Krull 2 (Oct. 17, 2004)
What is a Glaivester? (Sept. 30, 2004)
Friday, September 24, 2004
General Comments
This post is here for general comments on my blog. Post, post, post away, my readers!
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Blog of the Week Archives
October 20 - October 23, 2005: Colby Cosh
October 23 - October 31, 2005: Mangan's Miscellany
October 31 - November 6 Untethered (Dennis Dale)
November 6 - November 13 Center for Advanced Sarcasm (Dan Tarrant)
November 13 - November 20 The Ambler (Kevin Michael Grace)
November 20 - November 28: Magic Statistics (Scott Gilbreath)
November 28 - December 6:Austin Cassidy's Third Party Watch
December 6 - December 17: Lunaville
December 17 - December 26: The University Blog (Aakash Raut)
October 23 - October 31, 2005: Mangan's Miscellany
October 31 - November 6 Untethered (Dennis Dale)
November 6 - November 13 Center for Advanced Sarcasm (Dan Tarrant)
November 13 - November 20 The Ambler (Kevin Michael Grace)
November 20 - November 28: Magic Statistics (Scott Gilbreath)
November 28 - December 6:Austin Cassidy's Third Party Watch
December 6 - December 17: Lunaville
December 17 - December 26: The University Blog (Aakash Raut)
Friday, September 17, 2004
Ballot Access
Here is the Constitution Party ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:

Data based on Constitution Party's own website and Richard Winger's Ballot Access News
North Carolina is white because there is a dispute over whether or not the CP has write-in access.
Here is the Libertarian Party ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:

Data based on Libertarian Party's website and Richard Winger's Ballot Access News
Here is the Green Party ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:

Data based on Richard Winger's Ballot Access News. The Green Party has a ballot access map on its own site, but it doesn't have all of the the categories that mine does.
Here is the Nader ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:

Data based on Richard Winger's Ballot Access News. Nader has a ballot access map on its own site, but I did not use it at all in making my map.
North Carolina is white because I do not know his progress towards qualifying for write-in.
That is all.
Data based on Constitution Party's own website and Richard Winger's Ballot Access News
North Carolina is white because there is a dispute over whether or not the CP has write-in access.
Here is the Libertarian Party ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:
Data based on Libertarian Party's website and Richard Winger's Ballot Access News
Here is the Green Party ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:
Data based on Richard Winger's Ballot Access News. The Green Party has a ballot access map on its own site, but it doesn't have all of the the categories that mine does.
Here is the Nader ballot access map as of August 26, 2008:
Data based on Richard Winger's Ballot Access News. Nader has a ballot access map on its own site, but I did not use it at all in making my map.
North Carolina is white because I do not know his progress towards qualifying for write-in.
That is all.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Donate to the Glaivester Here.
Here is where you can donate to the Glaivester.
Here are the methods of payment currently accepted:
If the button doesn't work, click here to go to Paypal. Login to your account, then hit the "Send Money" Tab at the top. Type in as the email, type in the amount you are donating, choose currency you will be using, and choose "Quasi-Cash" as the category of purchase. Feel free to type in any email subject or note that you wish.
Here are the methods of payment currently accepted:
If the button doesn't work, click here to go to Paypal. Login to your account, then hit the "Send Money" Tab at the top. Type in as the email, type in the amount you are donating, choose currency you will be using, and choose "Quasi-Cash" as the category of purchase. Feel free to type in any email subject or note that you wish.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Advertise on Glaivester
Interested in advertising on Glaivester?
You can reach, well, a small but significant number of customers by advertising here. (Click on the Sitemeter icon to view my current stats).
If you would like to advertise on the Glaivester blog, drop me a line at glaivester -at- yahoo -dot- com.
Rates are open for discussion, and generally I am thinking no more than $10.00 a month for a large ad with graphics at this time.
That is all.
You can reach, well, a small but significant number of customers by advertising here. (Click on the Sitemeter icon to view my current stats).
If you would like to advertise on the Glaivester blog, drop me a line at glaivester -at- yahoo -dot- com.
Rates are open for discussion, and generally I am thinking no more than $10.00 a month for a large ad with graphics at this time.
That is all.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Tired of Illegal Immigration?![]() Do something about it. Help Sonny Sardo win a congressional seat from David Dreier. For more info click here. - |
Stop the open borders lobby!![]() Help this man, ( |
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