Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Poor Joseph Farah

Now that Bush has been re-elected, Joseph Farah makes a plea to George W. Bush:

"We want to rein in the unconstitutional spending sprees. We want to seal our borders. We want to enforce our immigration laws. We want to limit federal authority over our lives. We want to win this war and win it decisively. We want to preserve the institution of marriage and not water it down with "civil unions." We want Supreme Court justices who don't see themselves as high priests in black robes who rule over us.
"Please listen to the people, Mr. President. You have one more chance to get it right."

In short, what he is saying is: "now that I threw principle to the wind and supported you, and have proven that you just need to be marginally better than the Democrat to get my support, I expect you to actually listen to me rather than just throw me a bone or too."

My take: If you bend over, don't be surprised when you get... well, you know.

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