Thursday, November 18, 2004

Tsk, Tsk, Mr. Fisk

I am antiwar, and I find this article to be disgusting.
Fisk is actually accusing the US of murdering Margaret Hassan to use as propaganda.

Maybe I am wrong and he is accusing Allawi or some other group in Iraq that supports us of doing it (Lord knows, anytime you occupy a foreign country, you have to be careful about whom among the natives you trust, as a lot of people who claim to support you may be doing so for their own reasons and might manipulate you or sell you out if they saw it being in their interests).

However, he does nothing to suggest that he is not accusing America, and offers no evidence other than a highly speculative motive to support his claim; the only evidence he offers is why he feels it unlikely that Zarqawi did this, and he appears to think that the coalition therefore must be responsible by default.

In any case, I can see why people like Andrew Sullivan equate the name "Fisk" with lies and inaccuracies.

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