Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bolton: Mend it, Don't End it. Bah.

Bolton wants a more effective, more powerful UN, says Charles Featherstone.

This explains why paleoconservatives like myself, who naturally hate the UN, do not unite with the neoconservatives to oppose it, which so bewildered Richard Poe. The neocons' goal was never to destroy the UN but to make it more amenable to their own ends. Most paleos were afraid that if they tried to help the neocons, they would use that help not to dismantle the UN but to take it over, and to make it more powerful and more active in the world, albeit to different ends. Such an alliance could well strengthen the very world governmental institutions that the paleocons abhor so much. If the paleocons are against world government itself, and not just the current people trying to run the embryonic world government, such a risk might be too much to take.

That is all.

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