Thursday, March 09, 2006

Can You Say "Ironic?" I Knew You Could

Apparently, some gay cry-babies are upset that Brokeback Mountain didn't win more awards:

"I think [Crash winning the best picture award] an absolute horror," said Brad Bruner, who is a leader in the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association. "It's an outright sign of homophobia in our country. ('Crash') won no awards before this. It makes me sick."

Yes, there is a lot of homophobia at the academy. As we all know, if Brokeback Mountain had been about a love affair between a man and a woman in the same situation, it would have won a lot more awards.

As if. Let's be honest. The "gay factor" is the only reason why the movie was nominatedin the first place.

Thanx and a tip o' the hat to Russell Wardlow and Steve Sailer.

That is all.

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