Saturday, December 03, 2005

Rush Limbaugh is not a Big Fat Idiot, he is a Big Fat Liar

I heard Rush Limbaugh today talking about how he trusts the opinions of our troops so much more than that of the media, and our troops all think that the war is going well.

Never considered is the fact that the troops very likely would get in trouble if they said anything not positive about the war. (Daniel Goetz and Al Lorentz ring a bell?)

Of course, Rush is no fool. He must realize that even though one can credit the troops
with being brave and with knowing first-hand what is going on there, they are conditioned to be positive about how things are going regardless. Moreover, he is not a person with a normal job who thinks about politics and world events on the side, so he doesn't have the excuse htta he doesn't have the time to concern himself with such philosophical issues; this is his job, so he would be remiss in his duties if this had not occurred to him.

So it strikes me that rather Rush has decided to ignore this fact, because it is inconvenient.

Wow, he and Dubya are a good fit, aren't they?

That is all.

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