Monday, October 04, 2004

What the Hell Happened to Kenneth Joseph?

Remember Kenneth Joseph, the "human shield" who found out that Iraqis would "commit suicide" if we didn't begin the bombing campaign on Saddam?
Has anyone heard from him other than propagandist Jack Kelly since May of 2003, or anyone since September of 2003?
Plus, look at this story by Carol Lipton.
My question: why isn't anyone holding Jack Kelly's and Joseph Farah's feet to the fire on this one?
And of course, Jack Kelly was also the one who was chortling in late summer/early fall of 2003 that
(A)"The insurgents are a tiny - and dwindling - minority. Most of the country is at peace."
(B)"It is possible the Iraqis were targeted chiefly because they are easier to get at than the Americans," in an article (click on link "(B)") where he was reveling in the fact that the insurgency seemed to be weakening, as it could only hit Iraqi targets, not American ones. Which would be a good point, except that it was a lie - October 2003 had the highest hostile fatalities of any month up to that point since the end of major combat operations in May (35, cf. to the previous high of 28 in July).
Moreover, Kelly never, to my knowledge, corrected himself over the course of the next month (November), when the hostile fatality rate soared more than 2.5 times to 94.
I want to see someone hold Messrs. Kelly and Farah's feet to the fire on this!

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