Friday, October 15, 2004

Paleoconservatives in the News

Are paleoconservatives making a comeback?
Enter Stage Right is giving paleo ideas some play.
And Sam Francis is discussing the possible comeback.
My thoughts: this ought to strengthen the paleoconservtive Constitution Party, at least until the G.O.P. gets it act together.

Unfortunately, Buchanan has endorsed Bush, and Paul Craig Roberts has basically said that he will vote for Kerry to punish Bush (the last two paragraphs make this clear, although the title of the article claims he is "Not for Kerry." The blithering moron Charley Reese has also said this, and Lawrence Auster seems torn between punishing Bush (I can't find where right now, but I remember him specifically saying that voting for Kerry would do more to punish Bush than voting for a third-party candidate) and hoping that if enough people vote for him, it will give the G.O.P. the courage to become conservative. And Richard Poe refuses to say anything negative about Bush, and even portrays his participation in Skull and Bones as a positive thing, because he seems to believe that Hillary Clinton is the Antichrist and will take power if Kerry is elected (although from his blogging, I'm not certain whether he means in the Christian or the Mayan Apocalypse). Oy vey.

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