Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bush Didn't Wear a Wire - but Bush NEEDS to Wear a Wire

I'm sure some of you must have seen the article suggesting that Bush cheated in the first debate by using a wire.
This charge may have been designed to distract from charges that Kerry had brought notes, or to point out how anyone can misinterpret things to make up such charges. (It is entirely possible that some people were outraged that the pen Kerry brought was immediately assumed to be notes, and so they decided to show how easy it is to blow things out of proportion by saying "see? You can claim that Bush had a wire!")
In any case, I don't think that anyone who saw Bush's debate could have thought he had a wire, unless he was being fed answers by Elizabeth Dole and Bob's Viagra was just kicking in... "It's hard!"
But I DO think that Bush needs a wire. Someone needs to put a wire on him and feeed him the answers so we don't listen to more of his stupid claptrap.
He can't think in more than 1 dimension at a time, a distinct disadvantage, because it means that he can't admit mistakes or see any nuances. Therefore, he cannot see why people are less than impressed by the multilateralism of a coaltion where 1 nation provides ~ 83-84% of the troops.
And of course, the "conservatives" are lapping up monkey-boy becasue he occasionally grunts a few of their push-button phrases.

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