Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thoughts on Farrakhan's Accusations

Farrakhan's ranting that the levees were intentionally blown up is asinine.

Considering the New Orleans had a much higher black population than much of the US, one immediate effect of the destruction of the city was that areas all over the ocuntry had a large influx of mostly black evacuees. In fact, some of the areas accepting evacuees were mostly white.

Anyone smart enough to know how to bomb the levee would also have known that a major effect of the destruction of New Orleans would be to increase the black population of surrounding areas.

So why would a person racist enough to want to destroy black people's homes do so when it was obvious that the result would be, in essence, greater racial integration?

Here is an alternate theory on my other blog, Rankine 911, that makes about as much sense as Farrakhan's.

That is all.

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