Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ethnicity vs. Race vs. Nationality

I can't find the exact post right this minute, but I recall Steve Sailer trying to come up with a definiton og "ethnic group" that would complement his definition of race: "An extended family that inbreeds to some degree."

He wound up comparing it to cliques at school, and coming up with some sort of clunky definitions.

However, perhaps one coule define ethnicity in a very similar way to race; if one were to extend the concept of "family."

Perhaps one could define an ethnic group as an extended family that breeds within itself, and a race as an extended biological family that inbreeds to some degree. That is, an ethnic group is like an extended family that includes adopted members (for example, Gentiles who convert to Judaism).

This could also be applied to nationality. This would help to explain Sailer's philosophy of "citizenism," and to distinguish it from, e.g., "white naitonalism." American unity stems from the fact that we are, in a way, an extended family, but unlike white nationalism, we include adopted relatives as well as blood-related ones. And like any family, we have to consider our current members before we adopt new ones. I suspect that most families put a higher priority on the kids they already have than on kids that they might adopt at a future date, and that is, I think, an appropriate attitude toward immigration.

I think I will write a moredetailed post on "Citizenism," specifically one that addresses Noah Millman's critique, sometime soon.

That is all.

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