Sunday, October 30, 2005

Iran, Iran So Far Away...

"Israel must be destroyed," says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

This is bad on so many levels.

I doubt that Iran will actually move to destroy Israel (at least not in the traditional way, through all-out war or through a nuke attack, Iran likely will support terrorist actions in Israel, but those are not particularly effective at actually wiping a country out).

However, as the G-Gnome points out, this is exactly the kind of bait-for-the-neocons that could be used as a casus belli for us to attack Iran (or for us to try to overthrow the Iranian government through subterfuge, which will likely lead to a full-scale war, despite the fantasies of Michael Ledeen et al. that we will see a democratic revolution there).

If we get into a war with Iran, then we might very well find a situation where the Iranian government will be in a desperate enough position that they will feel they have nothing to lose and might as well try to take Israel with them (or take our troops in Iraq with them).

Let's hope someone in the Iranian government with less of a death wish gets rid of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad bfore he drags Iran into war with the U.S.

But fortunately, though, as Rabbi David Vice points out, Ahmadinejad doesn't want to kill all the Jews. He only wants to destroy the country that a lot of them live in.

Oh, yeah, that sure makes me feel better.

That is all.

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