Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Kathryn Lopez and Bull Excrement

Kathryn Lopez spouts the usual neocon line on Iran. (I am assuming that this is Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review, if anyone can confirm or refute, it would be appreciated). If we just give a little moral support to the "Iranian people," they will overthrow the mullahs and stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. And if Iran gets a bomb, the mullahs wil be in power forever.

B.S.! Helping the "Iranian people" will only lead to a major crackdown, Iranian attacks on US interests in Iraq, and eventually (sooner rather than later) to a full-scale war with Iran. Whether the neocons are naive or dishonest on this I can't say, ut.. Oh, Hell, who am I kidding? She quotes Michael (I kiss Chalabi's butt) Rubin. Liars, liars, liars.

What she ignores is the fact that even if Iran gets the bomb, that won't necessarily prevent the youth from overthrowing Iran if they really want to. Look at the Soviet Union. Also, she assumes that the youth won't dislike the idea of the US trying to prevent Iran from getting a bomb. If they really do want to overthrow the governemnt, they might not like the idea that we will make certain that once they take over, they won't have nukes.

Final;ly, as the War Nerd has said, the Iranian dispute is a family dispute. Just becasue the youths of Iran don't like the Mullahs doesn't mean they want us to interfere in their country.

That is all.

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