Friday, July 15, 2005

A Very Silly Argument

Of all of the arguments that we are not doing anything wrong at Guantanamo, "It seems to me that many of the so-called 'abuses' portrayed at Guantanamo are the same kinds of practices we accept as fraternity hazing activities on American college campuses" is the stupidest.

If the argument is that we need to be tough to get information from people whom we have confirmed to be terrorists, that is one thing. Or if the argument is that the mistreatment is harsh, but within bounds as long as there is no permanent physical damage, that is one thing.

But the argument that as long as some people like to be treated a certain way, that it is okay to treat prisoners that way is ridiculous. The most obvious difference is that the prisoners have no choice.

Using this same logic, gang rape could be excused by the fact that "lots of girls would love to have sex with five guys in one night." This of course ignores the issue of coercion, which is the point.

That is all.

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