Saturday, July 16, 2005

This is Ridiculous

The brothers Judd Blog appears to me to be essentially a pro-Bush propaganda site, as they seem to unequivocally celebrate every position that fits with the Bush-neocon line.

In particular, this post distresses me.

"The American taxpayer will never pay what it would cost to close the borders."

This was written after noting that the Senate voted down a bill to add 2000 agents and 8000 detention beds.

Good grief, what would that cost? I can't imagine it should cost more than, say, a billion or two. We spend more than that in two weeks in Iraq, and we are apparently willing to pay that. It's more of that Larry Craig nonsense; play up the large-sounding number (billions, I tell you, billions!) while not comparing it to other spending or figuring out what the actual per-person cost is.

Moreover, it ignores all of the costs of illegal immigration, e.g. free medical care.

Orrin Judd also lies in the comments (or is grievously mistaken) and states that "citizens have had their say, they want their beef cut cheap, their vegetables cut and their lawns mowed," and that the jobs they take are "jobs no one wants." There is every indication that Americans would like to see a reduction in illegal immigration, other than a few lazy writers for the Wall Street Journal who don't want to mow their own lawns or take care of their own kids. But whenever they try to make a law to do that, some stupid judge gets in their way. In what way have the "citizens" had their say at all? Moreover, the benefits of illegal aliens doing cheap labor are outweighed by the social services they take (e.g. schooling for their kids, medical care). The companies hiring the aliens benefit from the cheap labor, but the consumers pay for it in other ways.

That is all.

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