Monday, February 28, 2005

Thoughts on Lebanon

If the Lebanese want the Syrians out, they should get out. They should get out of the government, and if the Lebanese want them to remove their troops as well, then the Syrians should remove them. If the Lebanese want the Syrians to stop interfering with their govenment but wnat the troopsto stay to stabilize Lebanon, then the Syrians should stop interfering with their government and then determine whether or not they still want troops in the country.

My caveat is: don't assume that without the Syrian troops, Lebanon will blossom into a democracy. I get the sense that some neocons feel that Lebanon would have stayed a wonderful democracy had not the Syrians occupied it; that it was Syria (and/or other Arab countries') fault that the war started in the first place.

I think that the war started because of demographic shifts, and that it would have happened without outside interference; and that unoccupied Lebanon will not revert to democracy but will fall back into civil war.

I'll try to find some links later to support these positions.

That is all.

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