Sunday, February 27, 2005

Stupid Arguments

The stupidest argument about "gay rights" (i.e. antidiscrimination laws) is that they attract businesses, or conversely that not having the mscares businesses away.

"Companies may be hesitant to move to Maine because MAine doesn't have a nondiscrimination law," according to Betsy Smith of Equality Maine.


A business that doesn't wish to discriminate doesn't have to.
So-called "gay rights" laws are simply more government regulation, people telling businesses and private property owners that they must hire or serve people whom they wish not to serve, and providing a greater number of charges for which people can fire lawsuits.
Does any business ever say "I won't locate in that state because they don't regulate me enough?"
Of course not. The idea that some companies are hesitant to locate in Maine because we do not tell them that they MUST hire homosexuals is stupid. If we had a law prohibiting the hiring of homosexuals, then yes, that would depress business, and a nondiscriminatio nact that repealed the law and allowed businesses to hire gays would attract new business.
But as businesses ae now perfectly able to hire gays if they so wish, there is no reason for a company not to locate here because Maine hasn't made the choice (to hire or not hire gays) for them.

People who believe that gay rights bill should be passed because it is just should say so. But they shouldn't use bogus and stupid economic arguments.

That is all.

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