Saturday, February 05, 2005

It's Not All About Israel

Lawrence Auster makes a point that I have made myself, and that I hint at here.

Despite all of the talk about neoconservatives being interested mainly in Israel's interests (which I think is true in the case of Richard Perle and perhaps Michael Ledeen), a large number of neocons (Paul Wolfowitz, Clifford May, perhaps Bill Kristol) are actually not as interested in Zionism as in messianic democratism. These neocons would gladly sell Israel's interests down the river if it helped the world democratization project.

There are also those who simply want to project American power to produce an American one-world government (James Woolsey, Jed Babbin, Richard Poe). I'm not entirely certian, though, whether I would consider any of these neocons or not (and some, like Richard Poe, I definitely would not consider neocons).

There is probably a lot more I want to say, but for now -

That is all.

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