Tuesday, February 01, 2005

More on Those Elections

An interesting post about the Iraq elections on the AntiWar.com blog. It includes links to more interesting articles.

The gist is that the pro-warriors tend to make lots of claims, and then only acknowledge the ones that came true, or they ret-con the position of the anti-warriors:

"For example, who among us ever claimed that the Shiites and Kurds wouldn't vote en masse?"

It's an interesting position, and a post well-worth invetigating.

That is all.

P.S. ret-con means retroactive continuity. In fiction, it is the practice of changing background facts in the story. For example, if the main character in a TV show has been portrayed as a divorcee in the first season and then in the second season it is stated that she was never married, that is a ret-con.
By "ret-con the positions of the anti-warriors" I mean that they pretend that the arguments they made were different than they were.

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