Thursday, January 12, 2006

Are We Heading for More My Lais Abu Ghraibs?

The recent concern over lowering the intellectual requirements for Army recruits has another angle:

Steve Gilliard worries about the fact that the My Lai massacre was perpetrated by soldiers who were probably disproportionately Category IVers.

Whether My Lai was the result of incompetence, or whether they were chosen for the mission deliberately because of their low intellectual caliber (i.e. they were more likely to follow orders without question and not notice that the people they were killing were civilians, this has some disturbing possibilities.

Could this mean more Abu Ghraibs, either because the soldiers don't think about what they are doing or because they can easily be convinced to do it (if the administration wants it done) and then made to take the fall?

More on this as it develops.

That is all.

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