Jeff Denham.........(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepJeffDenham
David Valadao.......(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepDavidValadao
Darrell Issa........(CA)..(202) 225-3906....@DarrellIssa
Devin Nunes.........(CA)..(202) 225-2523....@DevinNunes
Mike Coffman........(CO)..(202) 225-7882....@RepMikeCoffman
Mario Diaz-Balart...(FL)..(202) 225-4211....@MarioDB
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.(FL)..(202) 225-3931....@RosLehtinen
Daniel Webster......(FL)..(202) 225-2176....@RepWebster
Raul Labrador.......(ID)..(202) 225-6611....@Raul_Labrador
Spencer Bachus......(IL)..(202) 225-4921....@BachusAL06
Aaron Schock........(IL)..(202) 225-6201....@aaronschock
Mark Amodei.........(NV)..(775) 686-5760....@MarkAmodeiNV2
Joe Heck............(NV)..(202) 225-3252....@RepJoeHeck
Michael Grimm.......(NY)..(202) 225-3371....@repmichaelgrimm
Pete King...........(NY)..(202) 225-7896....@RepPeteKing
James Lankford......(OK)..(202) 225-2132....@RepLankford
Greg Walden.........(OR)..(541) 776-4646....@repgregwalden
Mike Kelly..........(PA)..(202) 225-5406....@MikeKellyPA
Mark Sanford........(SC)..(202) 225-3176....@RepSanfordSC
Sam Johnson.........(TX)..(202) 225-4201....@SamsPressShop
John Carter.........(TX)..(202) 225-3864....@RepJohnCarter
Jason Chaffetz......(UT)..(202) 225-7751....@jasoninthehouse
David Reichert......(WA)..(202) 225-7761....@davereichert
Paul Ryan...........(WI)..(202) 225-3031....@PRyan
Now, looking at the quotes, this doesn't necessarily mean they support anything that is actually currently on the table. However, it is important to generate pushback to keep the House GOP in line.
What to do:
First, call these Representatives (DC Office numbers above) and tell them "My name is [NAME - if you are a constituent, give your address and phone number as well; if you donated to their campaigns or to campaigns of other Congressman, bring this up] I've heard that [Congressman/woman's name] has made statements in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. This is unacceptable. We should not be legalizing illegal aliens, let alone giving them a pathway to citizenship so that they can vote and determine the direction of this nation. The proper policy is enforcement of our laws and attrition through enforcement, aka self-deportation. The Congressman/woman should recant any and all statements made supporting a pathway to citizenship. Thank you for your time.
Second, tweet one of these to their accounts (listed above):
This is outrageous:
Please recant. #Nolegalization #Noamnesty #Attrition #selfdeportation
WHAT? A #pathwaytocitizenship is not acceptable #Noamnesty #Attrition #selfdeportation
Voters don't want #legalization or #pathwaytocitizenship #Attrition #selfdeportation
You support what? America rejects a #pathwaytocitizenship! #nolegalization #noamnesty
Or, you can re-tweet these:
Denham and Issa
Diaz-Balart and Valadao
Nunes and Coffman
Ros-Lehtinen and Webster
Labrador and Bachus
Aaron Schock and Mark Amodei
Joe Heck and John Carter
Peter King and James Lankford
Greg Walden and Mike Kelly
Mark Sanford and Sam Johnson
Michael Grimm and Paul Ryan
Jason Chaffetz and Dave Reichert
I will come up with other tweets soon, but the above Tweets have room for 20-30 characters, so you can send it to 1 or 2 reps at a time.
That is all.
1 comment:
Some very practical things you can do to stop the rust to amnesty....
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