Here is an idea for readers who are Republicans who wish to fight amnesty.
Occasionally you are likely to get mail and/or phone calls from the Republican National Committee. When you do, explain the following to them:
Thank you for calling. I am all for electing more Republicans.For mail, you can print this out and mail it back in lieu of a donation. For a phone call, have this printed out or memorized and explain it after letting the caller give their spiel.
However, the actions taken by McCain, Graham, Rubio, and Flake in creating the “Gang of Eight” immigration amnesty plan make we wary of helping the Republican Party per se. We don’t need another amnesty.
So much of the establishment, and of the leadership, including Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and John Boehner, have given in and are pursuing an amnesty for illegal immigrants. This is, of course, due to the funding of the cheap labor lobby and the donations of fatcats such as Sheldon Adelson.
This is unacceptable. We must stand like a stone wall against amnesty, and we must stand for deporting those who are here illegally, securing our borders, and reducing legal immigration to something manageable. We must support mandatory E-Verify, an end to chain migration, and an end to birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.
Until I see some evidence of the GOP establishment moving in this direction, I will only be giving to particular candidates who share my views, and to immigration restrictionist organizations like FAIR, VDARE, and NumbersUSA.
Thank you for your time.
One important thing is always to make certain you have a statement prepared ahead of time, and make certain that you make it clear that you are against amnesty, against the Rubio-Graham-McCain-Flake plan, and are for E-Verify and border enforcement. Talking about the cheap-labor lobby and Sheldon Adelson is good, but the caller might not know what this means and might not understand what side you are on.
That is all.
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