Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Iraq in 2008

I got a column from the future today (I have a time machine, you see), the top of the column is a little smudged, but it appears to have been written by Mark Steyn, sometime in January 2008.

Here's an excerpt:

The Democrats are such losers, still calling Iraq a quagmire, Well, we've just had the 203rd election in Iraq. We are having three a week now, and it has been working so beautifully. Turnout is over 80%.

But the MSM will only focus on the negative, such as the four dozen American soldiers killed in the latest carbombing. Come on! Last year, only 8,000 Americans died in combat in Iraq. That is still fewer than the number of Americans that died in auto accidents or who were murdered last year.

And the so-called insurgency is obviously losing strength. They only number 60,000 now. Our troops alone outnumber them 5-to-1. Add in some odd 5,000 British, Australian, and Polish troops, and we are obviously the stronger force. Moreover, after the bombing attack by foreign jihadists on the Sunni mosque that killed 4,000 in Fallujah last month, the Sunnis will most certainly reject the insurgency entirely, leaving Zarqawi nowhere to go. The Shiites also must find their resentment of the terrorists increasing, as the terrorists, in a vain attempt to start a civil war, disguised themselves as Shia policemen.

And the civil war still hasn't come to pass, despite all of the attacks over the past few months. The utter annhilation of the towns of Najaf and of Ramadi have still failed to cause either the majority of the Sunni Arabs or the Shiite Arabs to decide to attack the other in civil war.

And in Kurdistan, things are really going wonderful, despite the Al Qaeda led attacks against Turkey that bin Laden-sympathizing conspiracy nuts blamed on the poor Kurds. The Turkomen are very pleased with Kurdish rule, as well, despite concerns that they would suffer under the new regime. In fact, they are so pleased that they have all invited Kurdish policemen to live with them night and day!

I guess you can read the rest when it comes out in 2008.

That is all.

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