Saturday, December 17, 2005

Can You Guess the Quote (The Answer)?

"No... NO! When my sceptre dies, I go too. I turn, turn, turn - I turn into... a treeeeee."

Can anyone else remember what Christmastime TV special this line comes from? (The way I remember the line is slightly different than it is listed as online, so I used the way I remember the quote - so you might have a difficult time finding it on Google).

That is all.

The answer is Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July

Here's the scene

The line is spoken when Lilly Lorraine breaks the evil wizard Winterbolt's scepter, and he transforms into a tree. Actually, he pretty much dies. The tree is obviously dead, and one of its branches breaks off, just in case we didn't get the message that Winterbolt is dead, dead, dead.

I remember watching this as a child, and it turned me off of all of the Bass-Rankin stop-motion Christmas specials because it scared me so much seeing someone turn into a tree and die like that.

What were those idiots thinking when they made that scene in the movie?

That is all.

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