Friday, October 29, 2004

Forget the Whales, Save the Andaman "Pygmies"

Steve Sailer has made an excellent point on his website.
Why are we so concerned with saving tigers and whales and birds, but no one seems to care about preserving unusual little tribes of humans who live in isolated areas. The favorite example that Steve brings out are the "Pygmy Negritos" of the Andaman Islands (not true Pygmies in the sense of relationship to the African Pygmies, but called "Pygmies" in the sense that they are a race of "dwarfed" humans). I mean, if we really want to celebrate diversity, shouldn't we be actively trying to protect these groups rather than just letting them get killed by ou germs and destroyed by the encroachment of cultures that they are not prepared to deal with?
I don't think that we should just keep them isolated, and as a Christian believe that we need to evangelize them, but shouldn't we be very careful and deliberative about how we reach out to them so that they don't get destroyed in the process?

And shouldn't we be at least as interested in studying bizarre and wonderful little pockets of our own species that are currently alive as we are in "hobbits" that are probably extinct?

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