Hopefully you have given to them and contacted their campaigns.
Now it is time to call them up and thank them and encourage them to be strong on Wednesday. VERY IMPORTANT: If you can't call all of them, call one or two, or a few. Every call helps, and don't feel that if you can't call everyone, don;t call anyone!
Here are their Washington Offices. Call them, and give a short message like this (don't worry about giving a number or other contact info):
"Hello, my name is [name]. Thank you for attending the anti-amnesty Tea Party rally. Stay strong and keep fighting against amnesty at the Wednesday meeting!"
Louie Gohmert....(TX):(202) 225-3035
Randy Weber......(TX):(202) 225-2831
John Fleming.....(LA):(202) 225-2777
Cynthia Lummis...(WY):(202) 225-2311
Ted Yoho.........(FL):(202) 225-5744
Michele Bachmann.(MN):(202) 225-2331
Jack Kingston....(GA):(202) 225-5831
Lou Barletta.....(PA):(202) 225-6511
Dana Rohrbacher..(CA):(202) 225-2415
Mike Kelly.......(PA):(202) 225-5406
Scott Perry......(PA):(202) 225-5836
Rob Bishop.......(UT):(202) 225-0453
Lynn Westmoreland(GA):(202) 225-5901
Attended but did not speak:
Walter Jones.....(NC):(202) 225-3415
Joe Wilson.......(SC): (202) 225-2452
That is all.
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