Update: Ted Poe added as an opponent. See VDARE article Hate Fact Hysteria: They (Including GOP Leadership) Come For Steve King. They Can Get Lost
Congressman Steve King recently remarked about how a DREAM-Act-like amnesty "for the children" would actually allow a lot of people who are juvenile delinquents who came here of their own free will (rather than being dragged here by their parents) to get legal status (And eventual citizenship).
He has been attacked by DREAMer-supporters (House Majority Leader) Eric Cantor, (House Speaker) John Boehner, and (former "Gang of Eight" member) Raul Labrador, all Republicans.
King responded brilliantly on CNN Wednesday night.
What you can do:
Call John Boehner:
Call Eric Cantor:
Call Raul Labrador:
(202) 225-6611
Call Ted Poe:
(202) 225-6565
Tell them: "I support Steve King. Any amnesty would be a bad idea, and King's point is a valid one that no one has actually challenged factually. Stop attacking King and listen to him! Address his arguments rather than liberal caricatures of them!"
And donate to his campaign! Money talks!
That is all.
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