Here are some things you can do (in addition to what I have already mentioned):
1) Call your representative and tell them "I am [name, address, phone]. I am very disturbed by the so-called "immigration reform" legislation that was passed in the Senate. This bill has near immediate legalization for illegal aliens, with promises of more border security several years down the road, promises that experience has told us will not be kept. It was passed by the Senate leadership offering huge pork bribes to various Senators. This bill is a disgrace and every Representative should oppose it."
If your representative has already come out against the Senate bill, tell them "I am [name, address, phone]. I am very disturbed by the so-called "immigration reform" legislation that was passed in the Senate. This bill has near immediate legalization for illegal aliens, with promises of more border security several years down the road, promises that experience has told us will not be kept. It was passed by the Senate leadership offering huge pork bribes to various Senators. This bill is a disgrace and until the bill has been completely killed the House should pass no immigration legislation. We cannot afford the chance of a conference committee."
2) Go to Dennis Michael Lynch's website and buy his videos "They Come to America and They come to America II". Send a copy of each to your Representative and to your two Senators, with a note saying "This video explains why mass immigration is hurting our country and why the so-called "immigration reform" that passed the Senate will make the situation worse," or something along those lines.
Give copies to everyone you know; if you can buy the patriot pack, please do so.
3) See if any of the papers you read have pro-amnesty articles. If so, go online and write a letter to the editor refuting the article. It is easier to get through than you might think; I've had two letters published in the Boston Herald. Before doing so, see 4)
Also, if your paper publishes false or misleading information, call the paper and threaten to cancel your subscription, or if you don't have a subscription, never to buy the paper of visit their website again, unless they present more fairly.
4) Work to change the talking points:
(a) Remember to emphasize that legalization is amnesty, regardless of citizenship issues.
(b) The Senate bill does not fix our broken immigration system, it codifies it.
(c) We do not need higher levels of legal immigration or more foreign workers when unemployment and underemployment are so high and when workforce participation is so low.
(d) We do not need to legalize those who are already here. There is a solution called "attrition through enforcement." Those illegal aliens who are already here can be encouraged to leave if we enforce our laws against hiring them or giving them benefits.
5) Call Speaker John Boehner at 1-202-225-0600. Tell him "I heard that at the GOP caucus meeting about immigration, you told the Republicans that they 'have to pass something.' No, you don't. As long as the Senate Bill is alive, we cannot risk a conference committee. Pass nothing until the Senate bill has been killed."
6) Call House Majority Leader Eric Cantor at 1-202-225-2815 and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte at 1-202-225-5431 and tell them "I hear you are working on a version of the DREAM Act. Stop. We have too many Americans who are struggling to get into college or to get financial aid. We cannot afford to take in illegal aliens. Their status may not be their fault, but it is not American students' fault either, and it is not fair to add to the competition people who have no legal right to be here."
7) Call Representative Michael McCaul at 1-202-225-2401 and tell him "I heard you suggest on television that Obama picking a good Homeland Security Chief would make you more likely to pass amnesty, because you would trust that the enforcement measures would occur. This is wrong. It doesn't matter whom he picks. We cannot trust any administration to secure the border after granting amnesty - and legalization of any sort IS amnesty. We need a border security only bill - after the border is secure we can figure out what laws to pass to deal with those already here. And we should not pass any bill until the Senate bill is dead."
7a) Call Representative Steve Israel at 1-202-225-3335 and tell him "The Senate Bill does not fix the broken immigration system the way you said on Fox New Sunday. It codifies it."
8) Call Senator Dave Camp at 1-202-225-3561 and tell him "Thank you for urging the blue-slip of the Senate immigration bill."
9) Donate to NumbersUSA, VDARE, and
10) Keep finding anti-amnesty Representatives and donating to their campaigns. More details are available in a previous post.
11) Comment and thumbs up/down on blogs that deal with this issue.
12) has some good ideas about discrediting amnesty supporters. One idea: get experienced lawyers or other questioners to come to town hall meetings and have them ask questions of your Representatives. That will make evading the questions harder.
13) The person most likely to try to betray Republicans in the House is Paul Ryan. We need to discredit him. On any blog post, new article, etc. mentioning Ryan, make certain to point out that he is a turncoat who told Sean Hannity that on the question of illegal aliens he wanted legalization first, before enforcement. Tweet any negative article about him you can find. Call his office at 1-202-225-3031 and tell his staff that you heard that he is working to try and promote amnesty for illegal immigrants in the House and that if he wants any viability for electoral office in the future, he needs to stop this.
I'll update as new ideas emerge.
That is all.
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