Friday, October 14, 2005

It's the Pattern, Stupid

Bush's recent staged question-and-answer session is not a big deal in and of itself. Probably a lot of presidents have done scripted events like it, and it really doesn't matter much in the scheme of htings anyway.

But it will get a lot of play and people will be upset about it, because it fits a pattern that more and more people are beginning to see in Bush.

No, it's not that the mainstream media is unfairly piling on the guy. The problem is that Bush has a reputation of surrounding himself with yes-men, of ignoring any dissent, and generally of being deceptive by skewing all of the information in one direction.

So what Bush did, while unimportant in itself, seems to reflect a problem in his character that is very important. And that's why it bugs people. Also, I think that people are bugged less by the fact that Bush does scripted question-and-answer sessions like this than by the fact that he rarely if ever is in a situation where he answers questions from John and Jane Q. Public that are not scripted.

That is all.

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