Wednesday, August 31, 2005


What can I say?

This looks to be a terrible disaster.

As I understand it, the wind wasn't that bad, it was the rain that caused the damage (please tell me if I am incorrect here). After most of the windy parts of the storm had passed, I was under the impression that things weren't that bad. It appeared that the media had exaggerrated for ratings and for sensationalism.

Then, it turns out that the winds weren't the problem. It was the rain. Everything flooded. It's almost as if someone had hit a city with a nuclear bomb and the city suffered only moderate damage, and then a few hours later the fallout somehow caused a massive fire to erupt that engulfed the city.

The lesson here: the impressive part of a thing (e.g. the wind of a hurricane) is not always the most dangerous part.

If you wish to donate to the Red Cross, here's a link to their website.

For now, that is all.

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