Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Is Glaivester Picking up Speed? Self-Referential Post

The past two days I have had over 50 visits, and my sitemeter stats have usually been over 20 for the past week or so, often hitting 30. For most of 2004 (by which I mean since September 30, when I started blogging), my visits rarely went above 20.

I now have been linked to by Colby Cosh and Clark Stooksbury in addition to people who have previously linked to me:

Gene Expression
Steve Sailer
Kurdistan Bloger's Union
Iraqi Thoughts

I think that my recent (relative) explosion in traffic is due to Steve Sailer's recent mention of me in his blog.

So thank you, dear readers, and thank you, Steve Sailer, and I'll try to keep blogging for everyone, and I hope that I will blog well!

- The Glaivester.

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