Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Babs Kisses Chalabi's Rear End Again

Barabara Lerner once agian shills for Chalabi.
I'd have to do some research to write an exhaustive post about her article, but let's go over the most obvious issue.

Barbara obviously believes that the success of the UIA list means that the voters want Chalabi, as he was on that list.
Polls out earlier showed Chalabi as having no particular popularity in Iraq. Rather, he managed to get himself onto the most popular list, so that Shiites who wanted to get behind Sistani's list had no choice but to vote, in essence, for Chalabi.
It's exactly the highly-manipulated result I worried about here.

The whole reason why they voted for lists instead of candidates was so that the US could manipulate the results.

Also, Babs is channeling Michael Rubin, who always states his opinions under the claim "Iraqis feel."

This is definitely NOT all.

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