Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Summers Controversy

PZ Myers is rather amusing, in an odd sort of way. His relentless political correctness seems to detract from his ability to comment on things as a scientist rather than as a political animal.
Previously, he has been lambasting Steve Sailer for his red-state/blue-state theory.
Two things to note here:
First, it's interesting how Harvard President Summers' position is consistently misrepresented as being that we shouldn't let women into the sciences because there are no women who can do math.
As I see it, his position was that there may be innate differences, and so no amount of social engineering will bring absolute parity.
Also, I find it interesting that most leftists, when dealing with issues like sex differences or race relations, automatically assume that the burden of proof should be on the other side. They simply assume that if the other side can't prove their case, then their side should be asumed to be correct.
People yell "correlation does not prove causation," to deny the statitician's findings, and yet do not even provide a correlation to support their own theories. (For the record, correlation does not prove causation, but it does suggest that causation is possible, and is a lot better as evidence than having nothing at all).

That is all.

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