Sunday, June 26, 2005

Last Throes, Eh?

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday he is bracing for even more violence in Iraq and acknowledged that the insurgency 'could go on for any number of years.'"

So the insurgency is in its "last throes?" Well, maybe in the same sense as Jonh Adams was one of our "last 42 presidents."

It seems that Cheney's statements were very premature.

Of course, I remember a talk-show host (Laura Ingraham, I think) saying that the insurgency was in its "last gasps" back in late 2003.

I also love the way that Rumsfeld tries to defend Cheney: "Well, you know, throes can be very violent."

Well, yes, but is there any evidence that the insurgency is about to implode? Other than the fact that increased casualties indicate "desperation?"

And as Wonkette said, no one denies that the insurgency is having a "throe." It's the part about "last" we question.

That is all.

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