Sunday, March 06, 2005

John Batchelder a Liar

I saw John Batchelder on Fox News this morning.
According to him, the Syrians want to keep troops in Bekaa Valley becasue that's where Saddam's WMDs were hidden. Also, they were going to help Hezbollah to commit terrorist acts there in order to justify the Syrian occupation of Lebanon.

What is happening is this:

(a) The WMD issue is a ploy to give us an excuse to attack Syria, or else something the neocons made up in order to explain the Syrian's reluctance to leave Lebanon; in otehr words, it gives us a reason to demand strongly that Syria leave completely. Therefore, if Syria doesn't for security reasons, or because they are afraid that their absence will cause Lebanon to fall apart, we can impugn their motives and thus justify attcking them.

(b) The business about Syria destablilizing Lebanon is just another in a long series of neocon lies to excuse the likely result of ending the Syrian occupation; civil war. Part of the reason for the occupation is that Lebanon has a long history of its various ethnic groups killing each other. In order to impugn Syria, the neocons have to explain the civil war as caused by Syria, as I explained earlier. In order to maintain this assertion, and in order to make Syria's occupation appear entirely unjustified, and in order to avoid the US taking the blame if and when Lebanon falls back into civil war, any unrest after Syria leaves has to be blamed on Syria.

Batchelder also stated that Iran might have bought a small nuclear weapon to detonate in Lebanon and blame on Israel. Seeing as I see no benefit to either Israel, or Syria, or Iran, from such an occurrence (Iran and Syria would be targeted for sure if such a thing happened, and if Israel wants to push us into war with Syria, it can do so without causing a nuclear explosion in their backyard, which would also kill a lot of their Lebanese Christian friends), I think that if a bomb explodes, it is unlikely that any of those countries would do it; therefore, I'm not cetain what he is trying to cover up with that statement (assuming he is covering for a likely nuclear attack in Lebanon and not just trying to scare us with WMD stories).

That is all for now.

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