Reading these blog posts on Obamacare, Rod Dreher Daniel Larison, which treat the conservative wing of the GOP as if they were the extremists and the Democrats as if they were a sane party (rather than the rabidly anti-American, anti-white globalists they are).
It's official. I agree with the Occam's Razor blog: The American Conservative should fold.
That is all.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Commenting Against Amnesty of Huffington Post
Please go to this page on the Huffington Post and post comments defending California farm workers getting higher wages. Claims of a "worker shortage" are just the whinings of stingy employers. If you have to open an account, do so, and be aware that your coment may be in moderation for a while.
Also, tweet to Gosia Wozniacka about why higher wages are good and we don't need amnesty/immigration reform to "solve" the "problem." This is the best post to reply to (and please re-tweet any other replies that are on our side): here.
That is all.
Also, tweet to Gosia Wozniacka about why higher wages are good and we don't need amnesty/immigration reform to "solve" the "problem." This is the best post to reply to (and please re-tweet any other replies that are on our side): here.
That is all.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Another way to tweet against amnesty:
Alaa Mukahhal, an illegal alien used by Dick Durbin to promote DREAM Act-like amnesties, was discovered to have posted Facebook pages trashing the U.S. and Israel.
Go to the AlaaMukahhal hashtag and re-tweet all of the Tweets that talk about her.
And while you are at it, has some more generic questions about the DREAM Act/KIDS Act/DACA amnesties that you might want to post on your blogs, Tweet to people, or Tweet the link to people.
"You support the DREAM Act, which would have the impact of letting newly-legalized illegal aliens take college educations away from U.S. citizens. What would you say to a U.S. citizen who can't go to college because of the bill you support?"
That is all.
Go to the AlaaMukahhal hashtag and re-tweet all of the Tweets that talk about her.
And while you are at it, has some more generic questions about the DREAM Act/KIDS Act/DACA amnesties that you might want to post on your blogs, Tweet to people, or Tweet the link to people.
"You support the DREAM Act, which would have the impact of letting newly-legalized illegal aliens take college educations away from U.S. citizens. What would you say to a U.S. citizen who can't go to college because of the bill you support?"
That is all.
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte Looking to Push Amnesty
Bob Goodlatte has gone beyond the KIDS Act to propose legal status for all illegal aliens in the U.S..
Call him at (202) 225-5431 and tell him that you do not want amnesty. If you are not a constituent, and you get asked for your address, give the staffer your address, but tell him that you are going to tell your representative not to support him for the chairmanship. If you have donated to political campaigns in the past, remind him of that. If you can't vote for him, try to find something you do do that will give you leverage.
Also, tweet him at his Twitter account.
Here are some tweets you can re-tweet or base your tweet on:
Millions of Americans unemployed
Do you know who they are?
Why reward lawless racist invaders
That is all.
Call him at (202) 225-5431 and tell him that you do not want amnesty. If you are not a constituent, and you get asked for your address, give the staffer your address, but tell him that you are going to tell your representative not to support him for the chairmanship. If you have donated to political campaigns in the past, remind him of that. If you can't vote for him, try to find something you do do that will give you leverage.
Also, tweet him at his Twitter account.
Here are some tweets you can re-tweet or base your tweet on:
Millions of Americans unemployed
Do you know who they are?
Why reward lawless racist invaders
That is all.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sam Johnson and John Carter Drop Out of House "Gang of Seven"
John Carter and Sam Johnson dropped out of the House "Gang of Seven" Amnesty group, citing distrust at Obama enforcing immigration law as the reason.
While they are still hoping for an eventual amnesty, they should be thanked for this small favor (to encourage them).
Here are two things you can do:
Re-tweet this message.
Call them and thank them for deciding to put immigration reform on hold until our current laws are enforced, ask them to sign on to Rep. Louie Gohmert's effort for the House to pass a resolution demanding Obama enforce the law before any new laws are passed, and ask them to tell Rep. Goodlatte on the Judiciary Committee not to work to pass any immigration legislation as long as Obama is ignoring our laws.
Contact info:
Sam Johnson.........(TX)..(202) 225-4201....@SamsPressShop
John Carter.........(TX)..(202) 225-3864....@RepJohnCarter
That is all.
While they are still hoping for an eventual amnesty, they should be thanked for this small favor (to encourage them).
Here are two things you can do:
Re-tweet this message.
Call them and thank them for deciding to put immigration reform on hold until our current laws are enforced, ask them to sign on to Rep. Louie Gohmert's effort for the House to pass a resolution demanding Obama enforce the law before any new laws are passed, and ask them to tell Rep. Goodlatte on the Judiciary Committee not to work to pass any immigration legislation as long as Obama is ignoring our laws.
Contact info:
Sam Johnson.........(TX)..(202) 225-4201....@SamsPressShop
John Carter.........(TX)..(202) 225-3864....@RepJohnCarter
That is all.
Monday, September 16, 2013
House Leadership Meeting with Zuckerberg Thursday
Via VDARE: Thursday House GOP leaders are meeting with Mark Zuckerberg.
Obviously, he wants to encourage them to pass amnesty legislation similar to the Senate bill, or at least to pass legislation increasing legal immigration.
Please call the following Hosue leaders and remind them the American peopel do not want amnesty.
Speaker John Boehner: (202 225-0600)
Majority Leader Eric Cantor: (202) 225-2815)
Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy: (202) 225-2915
Majority Conference Chair Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: 202-225-2006
Suggested model for call:
Hello, my name is [NAME, if in their district include address and phone #]. I have heard that the Hosue Republican leadeership is meeting with Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday. Given that Zuckerberg's organization ran a very dishonest series of ads a few months ago promoting the Senate amnesty bill, I am disturbed by this. I just want to remind [Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, Majority Whip McCarthy, Majority Chair McMorris-Rodgers] that the voters do not want increased legal immigration or legalization for people who are here illegally. Mark Zuckerberg wants to flood this country with cheap labor in order to make an extra billion or two. Please at the meeting stand up to him and tell him that the American people will not have it.
In addition, you can tweet Boehner, Cantor, and McCarthy. Their addresses are in this Tweet of mine. Alternately, you can just re-tweet it.
That is all.
Obviously, he wants to encourage them to pass amnesty legislation similar to the Senate bill, or at least to pass legislation increasing legal immigration.
Please call the following Hosue leaders and remind them the American peopel do not want amnesty.
Speaker John Boehner: (202 225-0600)
Majority Leader Eric Cantor: (202) 225-2815)
Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy: (202) 225-2915
Majority Conference Chair Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: 202-225-2006
Suggested model for call:
Hello, my name is [NAME, if in their district include address and phone #]. I have heard that the Hosue Republican leadeership is meeting with Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday. Given that Zuckerberg's organization ran a very dishonest series of ads a few months ago promoting the Senate amnesty bill, I am disturbed by this. I just want to remind [Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, Majority Whip McCarthy, Majority Chair McMorris-Rodgers] that the voters do not want increased legal immigration or legalization for people who are here illegally. Mark Zuckerberg wants to flood this country with cheap labor in order to make an extra billion or two. Please at the meeting stand up to him and tell him that the American people will not have it.
In addition, you can tweet Boehner, Cantor, and McCarthy. Their addresses are in this Tweet of mine. Alternately, you can just re-tweet it.
That is all.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tweet to Steve Case, Tell Him "No Amnesty!"
Steve Case recently had an editorial in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required), promoting the execrable Senate Amnesty Bill (S. 744) as if it were a mostly good bill, and people who opposed it were just being too demanding. The reason, of course, is that he wants to cheat Americans out of good jobs by giving them to low-wage foreigners. Of course, he didn't quite say it that way; he said it more in the terms of us needing to make certain we can attract and retain "the best talent" from around the world, as if the U.S. were nothing more than a corporation and helping the corporate bottom line were the only important issue.
My suggestion: Go to his Twitter page and Tweet him with explanations of why amnesty is a bad deal. Preferably, reply to his posts or Tweet him along with someone who re-tweeted or favorited his post. If you find anyone else Tweeting against him, re-tweet their Tweet.
If you want examples to base your Tweets on, or want to find good Tweets to re-tweet, here are some of mine:
STEM worker shortage a myth
It's not talent, it's cheapness
Immigrants will take more than they make
Senate Bill terrible, destroying country for cheap workers
That is all.
My suggestion: Go to his Twitter page and Tweet him with explanations of why amnesty is a bad deal. Preferably, reply to his posts or Tweet him along with someone who re-tweeted or favorited his post. If you find anyone else Tweeting against him, re-tweet their Tweet.
If you want examples to base your Tweets on, or want to find good Tweets to re-tweet, here are some of mine:
STEM worker shortage a myth
It's not talent, it's cheapness
Immigrants will take more than they make
Senate Bill terrible, destroying country for cheap workers
That is all.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Jamiel Shaw II
This is a website devoted to Jamiel Shaw II, a young black man who was murdered by a (DREAM Act, DACA-eligible) illegal alien who was released from custody due to sanctuary cities policy.
His story has been promoted by Michelle Malkin and Larry Elder, but it needs more national exposure in order to keep the pressure up against amnesty, whether through a bill in Congress, or by Obama ignoring the law even more.
Please ask the following talk show hosts to try to get Jamiel Shaw Sr. (the father) on their show, or at least to talk about the case.
You can email them using their email address or contact page, you can send them a tweet, or you can re-tweet my previously written tweet:
Rush Limbaugh email twitter retweet
Sean Hannity email twitter retweet
Howie Carr email twitter retweet
Glenn Beck email twitter retweet
That is all.
His story has been promoted by Michelle Malkin and Larry Elder, but it needs more national exposure in order to keep the pressure up against amnesty, whether through a bill in Congress, or by Obama ignoring the law even more.
Please ask the following talk show hosts to try to get Jamiel Shaw Sr. (the father) on their show, or at least to talk about the case.
You can email them using their email address or contact page, you can send them a tweet, or you can re-tweet my previously written tweet:
Rush Limbaugh email twitter retweet
Sean Hannity email twitter retweet
Howie Carr email twitter retweet
Glenn Beck email twitter retweet
That is all.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Prayer for the Day
Dear LORD:
Please bless the Syrian people and pour Your Holy Spirit out on them so that they may turn to You for healing and peace.
Please forgive America, Lord God almighty, and help us to turn to You and repent.
Please raise up heroes to stop the evil that is rotting us from within and to save us from wicked rulers.
When hope seems lost, remind us to trust in You.
Please bless the Syrian people and pour Your Holy Spirit out on them so that they may turn to You for healing and peace.
Please forgive America, Lord God almighty, and help us to turn to You and repent.
Please raise up heroes to stop the evil that is rotting us from within and to save us from wicked rulers.
When hope seems lost, remind us to trust in You.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Tell These GOP Lawmakers "NO LEGALIZATION!"
According to America's Voice Online, a Treason Lobby group, the following Congressmen have indicated their support for a "pathway to citizenship" for illegal aliens:
Jeff Denham.........(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepJeffDenham
David Valadao.......(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepDavidValadao
Darrell Issa........(CA)..(202) 225-3906....@DarrellIssa
Devin Nunes.........(CA)..(202) 225-2523....@DevinNunes
Mike Coffman........(CO)..(202) 225-7882....@RepMikeCoffman
Mario Diaz-Balart...(FL)..(202) 225-4211....@MarioDB
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.(FL)..(202) 225-3931....@RosLehtinen
Daniel Webster......(FL)..(202) 225-2176....@RepWebster
Raul Labrador.......(ID)..(202) 225-6611....@Raul_Labrador
Spencer Bachus......(IL)..(202) 225-4921....@BachusAL06
Aaron Schock........(IL)..(202) 225-6201....@aaronschock
Mark Amodei.........(NV)..(775) 686-5760....@MarkAmodeiNV2
Joe Heck............(NV)..(202) 225-3252....@RepJoeHeck
Michael Grimm.......(NY)..(202) 225-3371....@repmichaelgrimm
Pete King...........(NY)..(202) 225-7896....@RepPeteKing
James Lankford......(OK)..(202) 225-2132....@RepLankford
Greg Walden.........(OR)..(541) 776-4646....@repgregwalden
Mike Kelly..........(PA)..(202) 225-5406....@MikeKellyPA
Mark Sanford........(SC)..(202) 225-3176....@RepSanfordSC
Sam Johnson.........(TX)..(202) 225-4201....@SamsPressShop
John Carter.........(TX)..(202) 225-3864....@RepJohnCarter
Jason Chaffetz......(UT)..(202) 225-7751....@jasoninthehouse
David Reichert......(WA)..(202) 225-7761....@davereichert
Paul Ryan...........(WI)..(202) 225-3031....@PRyan
Now, looking at the quotes, this doesn't necessarily mean they support anything that is actually currently on the table. However, it is important to generate pushback to keep the House GOP in line.
What to do:
First, call these Representatives (DC Office numbers above) and tell them "My name is [NAME - if you are a constituent, give your address and phone number as well; if you donated to their campaigns or to campaigns of other Congressman, bring this up] I've heard that [Congressman/woman's name] has made statements in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. This is unacceptable. We should not be legalizing illegal aliens, let alone giving them a pathway to citizenship so that they can vote and determine the direction of this nation. The proper policy is enforcement of our laws and attrition through enforcement, aka self-deportation. The Congressman/woman should recant any and all statements made supporting a pathway to citizenship. Thank you for your time.
Second, tweet one of these to their accounts (listed above):
Or, you can re-tweet these:
Denham and Issa
Diaz-Balart and Valadao
Nunes and Coffman
Ros-Lehtinen and Webster
Labrador and Bachus
Aaron Schock and Mark Amodei
Joe Heck and John Carter
Peter King and James Lankford
Greg Walden and Mike Kelly
Mark Sanford and Sam Johnson
Michael Grimm and Paul Ryan
Jason Chaffetz and Dave Reichert
I will come up with other tweets soon, but the above Tweets have room for 20-30 characters, so you can send it to 1 or 2 reps at a time.
That is all.
Jeff Denham.........(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepJeffDenham
David Valadao.......(CA)..(202) 225-4540....@RepDavidValadao
Darrell Issa........(CA)..(202) 225-3906....@DarrellIssa
Devin Nunes.........(CA)..(202) 225-2523....@DevinNunes
Mike Coffman........(CO)..(202) 225-7882....@RepMikeCoffman
Mario Diaz-Balart...(FL)..(202) 225-4211....@MarioDB
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.(FL)..(202) 225-3931....@RosLehtinen
Daniel Webster......(FL)..(202) 225-2176....@RepWebster
Raul Labrador.......(ID)..(202) 225-6611....@Raul_Labrador
Spencer Bachus......(IL)..(202) 225-4921....@BachusAL06
Aaron Schock........(IL)..(202) 225-6201....@aaronschock
Mark Amodei.........(NV)..(775) 686-5760....@MarkAmodeiNV2
Joe Heck............(NV)..(202) 225-3252....@RepJoeHeck
Michael Grimm.......(NY)..(202) 225-3371....@repmichaelgrimm
Pete King...........(NY)..(202) 225-7896....@RepPeteKing
James Lankford......(OK)..(202) 225-2132....@RepLankford
Greg Walden.........(OR)..(541) 776-4646....@repgregwalden
Mike Kelly..........(PA)..(202) 225-5406....@MikeKellyPA
Mark Sanford........(SC)..(202) 225-3176....@RepSanfordSC
Sam Johnson.........(TX)..(202) 225-4201....@SamsPressShop
John Carter.........(TX)..(202) 225-3864....@RepJohnCarter
Jason Chaffetz......(UT)..(202) 225-7751....@jasoninthehouse
David Reichert......(WA)..(202) 225-7761....@davereichert
Paul Ryan...........(WI)..(202) 225-3031....@PRyan
Now, looking at the quotes, this doesn't necessarily mean they support anything that is actually currently on the table. However, it is important to generate pushback to keep the House GOP in line.
What to do:
First, call these Representatives (DC Office numbers above) and tell them "My name is [NAME - if you are a constituent, give your address and phone number as well; if you donated to their campaigns or to campaigns of other Congressman, bring this up] I've heard that [Congressman/woman's name] has made statements in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. This is unacceptable. We should not be legalizing illegal aliens, let alone giving them a pathway to citizenship so that they can vote and determine the direction of this nation. The proper policy is enforcement of our laws and attrition through enforcement, aka self-deportation. The Congressman/woman should recant any and all statements made supporting a pathway to citizenship. Thank you for your time.
Second, tweet one of these to their accounts (listed above):
This is outrageous:
Please recant. #Nolegalization #Noamnesty #Attrition #selfdeportation
WHAT? A #pathwaytocitizenship is not acceptable #Noamnesty #Attrition #selfdeportation
Voters don't want #legalization or #pathwaytocitizenship #Attrition #selfdeportation
You support what? America rejects a #pathwaytocitizenship! #nolegalization #noamnesty
Or, you can re-tweet these:
Denham and Issa
Diaz-Balart and Valadao
Nunes and Coffman
Ros-Lehtinen and Webster
Labrador and Bachus
Aaron Schock and Mark Amodei
Joe Heck and John Carter
Peter King and James Lankford
Greg Walden and Mike Kelly
Mark Sanford and Sam Johnson
Michael Grimm and Paul Ryan
Jason Chaffetz and Dave Reichert
I will come up with other tweets soon, but the above Tweets have room for 20-30 characters, so you can send it to 1 or 2 reps at a time.
That is all.
Monday, September 02, 2013
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to Start Promoting Amnesty on September 8: How to Fight Back!
The Catholic Church's political arm will be promoting amnesty starting on September 8.
VDARE has the goods on this here, including mentions of an adulatory report on the campaign by the Carlos-Slim backed New York Times.
What to do? The branch of the church that is leading this is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Email the point-man via link or via cut and paste: "Kevin Appleby"
Contact the USCCB using its webform or by calling 1-202-541-3000.
Talking points:
Promising amnesty encourages more dangerous border crossings and thus increases border deaths.
"Comprehensive Immigration Reform" will flood the labor market, and thereby lower wages and increase U.S. poverty, while enriching plutocrats.
If you have a twitter account, you can send tweets to their addresses:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Cardinal Dolan (USCCB president)
Kim Daniels (Dolan's spokeswoman)
Archbishop Gomez of L.A.
You can tweet them messages, or you can click on their tweets, find out who is favoriting or re-tweeting them, and tweet to them. Tweet talking points to them, and if you mention border crossing deaths, include the link. Or you can find people who follow USCCB or whom USCCB follows.
That is all.
VDARE has the goods on this here, including mentions of an adulatory report on the campaign by the Carlos-Slim backed New York Times.
What to do? The branch of the church that is leading this is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Email the point-man via link or via cut and paste: "Kevin Appleby"
Contact the USCCB using its webform or by calling 1-202-541-3000.
Talking points:
Promising amnesty encourages more dangerous border crossings and thus increases border deaths.
"Comprehensive Immigration Reform" will flood the labor market, and thereby lower wages and increase U.S. poverty, while enriching plutocrats.
If you have a twitter account, you can send tweets to their addresses:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Cardinal Dolan (USCCB president)
Kim Daniels (Dolan's spokeswoman)
Archbishop Gomez of L.A.
You can tweet them messages, or you can click on their tweets, find out who is favoriting or re-tweeting them, and tweet to them. Tweet talking points to them, and if you mention border crossing deaths, include the link. Or you can find people who follow USCCB or whom USCCB follows.
That is all.
Black American Leadership Alliance Fighting Amnesty
The "We Are America Tour" starts on September 4 in Richmond, Virginia.
Please do everything you can to promote this.
Here is more information
Tweet this to promote the September 7 Phoenix rally.
That is all.
Please do everything you can to promote this.
Here is more information
Tweet this to promote the September 7 Phoenix rally.
That is all.
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