Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Thoughts on Scooter

William L. Anderson expresses distress at the way that Mr. Libby is being indicted. Not that he probabl doesn't deserve it, but arre we really witnessing the rule of law, or a "the ends justify the means" attempt to find something to charge him on in order to try to pry open the scandals of the Bush administration?

Even if this indictment helps us to get to the bottom of the scandals, does it really help the nation in the long run if it leads to further disregard for the rule of law if whenever it becomes an impediment to a desired outcome?

Not that Bush or much of what passes for conservatives these days would care as much about rule of law if someone else's ox were being gored, but shouldn't Bush's opponents want to be better than we accuse him (accurately, in my opinion) of being?

That is all.

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