Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Disagreeing with Juan Cole

The French have determinedly avoided multiculturalism or affirmative action. They have insisted that everyone is French together and on a "color-blind" set of policies. "Color-blind" policies based on "merit" always seem to benefit some groups more than others, despite a rhetoric of equality and achievement. In order to resolve the problems they face, the French will have to come to terms with the multi-cultural character of contemporary society. And they will have to find ways of actively sharing jobs with minority populations, who often suffer from an unemployment rate as high as 40 percent (i.e. Iraq).

Translation: Color-blind policies do not produce proportionate representation of all racial groups, so there must be racism going on. The solution is quotas.

Of course, Mr. Cole could never consider the possibility that the color-blind policies are achieving truly merit-based results, and that the groups disadvantaged by such policies may be so disadvantaged because they are not as qualified.

That would be a thought crime.

That is all.

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